Tuesday, August 18, 2009

And fun was had by everyone

The day of the family reunion dawned cloudy and windy. They had about 50 plus relatives show up. Dad came from a family of nine. He's only got on living sibling left. that's Aunt Ida in the middle with the sunglasses on. She's 91 years old, Dad is 90. It was pretty great to see all of the first cousins and first cousins once removed and second removed and so on.

Here's Lee and Dad with a couple of his first cousins once removed. We had a good time getting re-acquainted with his relatives.


Becky said...

Wow, it does look like dad had fun at the family reuinion. Good times! I see that, although gramma wore her visible pink blouse she tried to hide behind Aunt Irma in the group photo. I guess at 90 some things never change!