Monday, August 17, 2009

MOOOOOve out of the way!

Several of Lee's cousins live, own and run a farm. A couple of them run a dairy operation. The recession has affected them too, but they're hanging in there.

This lady is one of the milking cows as you can see from her udders. She is actually getting ready to give birth.

We visited Lee's cousin Natalie Madson who Mom always "Lives out in the country". To be exact she lives on a farm in Oconto, Wisconsin. Actually, her son now lives on and runs the family farm and she and her husband Russ built a nice new house away from the barns, flies and animals.

They have a lot of calves. The brown ones are jerseys and the black and white ones are holsteins.

Jersey are a more energy efficient cow according to Russ. The a smaller, eat less feed and produce just as much milk.

They also have an assortment of other farm critters. These are pygmy goats. Aren't they cute?

I seem to recall my oldest wanting one of these things when we first moved up to Montana.

We visited the milking barn. There are a lot of cows to be milked. They say a cow can produce 10 gallons of milk a day.

That's a lot of feed, hay, poop and maniure!

As we were discussing all of this, one of the cows baptized me!


Becky said...

EW! Cow poop ... I can just about smell it from Montana. So, I still want a pygmie goat. The only problem is that they would teach Missy all sorts of bad tricks...

Chrissie said...

Gross!!!! But those little sure are cute :)